Military Service

Our Veterans Revealed

Sgt. Walter Grimes, MP
TSgt. Walter Grimes, US Air Force

Like so many so many American families, we have a number of men and women in our family who served this country and we are still discovering who they are! Today, I wanted to honor a few that are known in our family. These are just a few.


Sgt. Walter Grimes, US Air Force
TSgt. Walter Grimes, US Air Force


Sgt. Joel Nelson, US Army
Sgt. Joel Nelson, US Army


Msgt. Donald Galloway, US Navy, Vietnam War
Msgt. Donald Galloway, US Navy, Vietnam War


Sgt. Albert Nelson, US Army
Sgt. Albert Nelson, US Army


Sgt. Albert Nelson and Comrade, WWi France
Sgt. Albert Nelson and Comrade, WWI, France

James McKee, a free man and eastern Ohio native, served in the Civil War at Port Hudson, LA . Many of his descendants continued the tradition of military service. Those that did not enlist or volunteer supported our service men and women through monetary contributions.  I will blog about them later.

Port Hudson Civil War Troops
Port Hudson Civil War Troops


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Learn More about African Americans in Military Service (click/tap title below)


  1. Jana Last


    I want to let you know that your blog is listed in today’s Fab Finds post at

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Roenia Grimes

    Love my Dad,
    Albert A. Nelson, a Soldier for the U.S.S. and a Soldier in God’s Army


  3. Roenia Grimed

    Miss you Hubby,
    Walter E. Grimes
    Faithful U.S. Airman and Faithful servant of the Lord.

    1. Karen Galloway Post author

      I miss him too!

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